Orchestra fee


$150.00 fee due August 31, 2024. 


It takes everyone's support and commitment to keep the orchestra program running smoothly.  The orchestra fee helps offset the cost of clinicians, social events, venues, videography, uniform dry cleaning, and many other budget items for our program. The fee also includes the casual uniform for our program which is a polo for juniors and a sweatshirt/hoodie for seniors. 


If you're paying by check, please make it out to PSHS Orchestra Booster Club.

Pay Orchestra fee

School instrument user fee (Bass/Cello players only)


Please pay your school instrument user fee of $85.00 once you have received the instrument user agreement. Payments can be made through PISD's Rycor payment system.  

Pay instrument user fee 


All-Region Audition fee (only for students taking All-Region audition)


Please pay your audition fee of $20 by September 13th. Payments will be accepted after August 23rd.

Payments can be made through PISD's Rycor payment system.  

Pay All-Region Audition fee