About us
Plano Senior High School mission statement:
The mission of Plano Senior High School is to graduate individuals prepared to function with integrity in a rapidly changing world.
Plano Orchestra mission statement:
The mission of the Plano Senior High School Orchestra is to help students develop personal skills that lead to success; to develop in each student an appreciation of the art of music; to teach techniques of musical expression; to develop knowledge and skills in listening to all styles of music and in reading and performing all styles of music; to teach performance skills that help students realize their individual musical potentials.
Orchestra program goals: students will develop the following skills and concepts:
Self-confidence, self-worth, self-discipline, responsibility; and dependable behavior.
Motivation, trust, integrity, ownership, honesty, and human connection.
Teamwork, collaboration, patience, perseverance, dedication, and commitment.
Critical thinking, clear and high expectations, planning, adaptation, assessment, accountability, and consistent work ethic.
Respect for others and understanding of others.
A high degree of music listening and reading skills encompassing: rhythm, tonality, tone, texture, articulation, melody, harmony, dynamics, meter, tempo, scales and arpeggios, and the ability to be versatile to any given musical circumstance.
The ability to work cooperatively with others toward the performance of music in and with the ensemble.
A high level of quality artistry through individual musical awareness, control, precision, and technical facility.
Respect for and proper use of facilities, uniforms, and equipment.
Pride and loyalty to the ensemble, the organization, our school and our community.
Upcoming events & announcements
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Friday, March 7
- Saturday, March 8